Hello, and welcome to my website.
Call me Mike.

I am currently in the process of relocating to France. I will be back in business by early December. During the pandemic I went 15 months without meeting in person with a client. And it made me realize I could properly service my clients from anywhere. And since my husband is a French citizen, we decided to relocate to the Dordogne region of France.
I'll be updating my website a little more at that time. And I might even change out the photograph of me, which has become a bit like my prom photo. It's from 20 years ago. Just never got around to changing it.
I'm a Certified Public Accountant with broad experience in business taxation, finance and management. Most of my clients are small businesses. My practice serves businesses incorporated as either S Corporations, C Corporations, Schedule C's (self-employed reporting on the 1040 form), or as LLC's or partnerships. Of course, no CPA's client roster is complete without a few Trusts and Not for Profit entities.
I also serve many clients who only need individual tax return preparation. During the "Marriage Wars" I developed a long roster of same sex couples as tax clients. Whatever someone's domestic status, there are many important tax matters people face regardless of whether they are single, married, Registered Domestic Partners, or just plain living together.
I started this practice back in 2001 and it's been a fun ride. It's a substantially "full" practice, but I always have room for another few clients. I like my clients. Not just because they pay me. Not a lot of turnover. I land a few new ones each year. I lose a small handful each year, as that's just the nature of business. It's organic.
My CPA practice was built based on the belief that high quality accounting and tax services, using state-of-the-art software, doesn't have to cost a fortune. We assist our business clients, most of whom are on QuickBooks, to accurately manage their own accounting, allowing them accurate and timely financial information about their businesses at minimum cost. I care deeply about the tax strategy and profitability of my clients. Marginal tax rates are key. My success is dependent upon your success. I offer a full range of tax services and bill my clients at a competitive hourly rate, not by schedules on the return or by using "value billing." Billing clients by the schedule or using "value billing," a practice employed by some of my competitors, results in padded invoices and can add hundreds of dollars to the cost of preparing your tax returns, and sometimes more.
Whether you're a corporation, partnership, LLC, LLP, or an individual with a complex return, I'd like to help minimize your taxes at a fair price. I invite you to take a look around my website and learn more about my practice. If you´re looking for a smart CPA who bills their clients fairly, don´t take my word for it, visit my client testimonials page. Then give me a call and let´s talk.
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